The Problem With Predatory Lenders and The Microfinance Solution

Many times on this blog, we have brought up microfinance’s role in breaking the “cycle of poverty.” We place a great deal of importance on this issue as the repetitive nature of poverty means that breaking the chain for one person can mean that their entire family will not be brought back into that vicious… Continue reading The Problem With Predatory Lenders and The Microfinance Solution

Microfinance and the Environment: Where Responsibility Meets Sustainability

Usually, business development and environmental health are talked about as being mutually exclusive entities. Stories of clear-cutting rainforest for soybeans and livestock or mountaintop removal mines in West Virginia certainly reflect a reality in which, too frequently, short-term profits spell the death of entire ecosystems. Of the world’s 1.3 people living in extreme poverty (less… Continue reading Microfinance and the Environment: Where Responsibility Meets Sustainability

Microloans and Mobile Phones: Technology’s Impact on the Future of Microfinance

Without a doubt, the greatest advancement of the last 50 years has been the revelation of the internet. Paired with the rising tide of globalization, technology has linked the world like never before. With the increased spread of communication has come a world without barriers or boundaries, allowing people and information to spread freely. This… Continue reading Microloans and Mobile Phones: Technology’s Impact on the Future of Microfinance