We are excited to announce that Wisconsin Microfinance is now a partner of Global Giving! Check out the press release: Global Giving Press Release


Globally, poverty is distributed unevenly. Data provided by the World Bank (2018) indicate that 736 million people worldwide are living below the international poverty line.  In addition, extreme poverty is overwhelmingly rural, where the poverty rate in rural areas is more than three times greater than in urban areas.

In 2018, 140 million borrowers from around the world engaged with 3411 microfinance institutions.

By the numbers

80%: 80% of borrowers are women 80%: 80% of borrowers are women
80% of borrowers are women
64%: 64% of borrowers live in rural areas 64%: 64% of borrowers live in rural areas
64% of borrowers live in rural areas
7%/year: The number of borrowers is increasing at a rate of 7%/year 7%/year: The number of borrowers is increasing at a rate of 7%/year
The number of borrowers is increasing at a rate of 7%/year
7%: The percent of loans at risk (over 30 days behind in repayments) is stabilized around 7%. 7%: The percent of loans at risk (over 30 days behind in repayments) is stabilized around 7%.
The percent of loans at risk (over 30 days behind in repayments) is stabilized around 7%.

Worldwide use of microfinance

  • The top three microfinance markets are India, Bangladesh and Vietnam.
  • 61% of borrowers are in South Asia.
  • 15% of borrowers are in East Asia and the Pacific.
  • 16% of borrowers are in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Less than 2% of borrowers are in the Middle East and North Africa.